4 values of reflecting and self-assessing:
Gain a deeper understanding of your strengths, improvement needs and performance patterns.
Enhanced goal setting. Realistic and achievable goals, boosting motivation.
Resilience development. Identifying the root cause helps to learn from mistakes, develop resilience and bounce back from challenges.
Increased confidence. Self-assessing creates clarity, building a foundation for understanding your capabilities and fostering a sense of self-efficacy.
Dangers of deflecting:
1. Personal growth stunted. By not acknowledging your mistakes or areas for improvement, you limit your ability to learn and grow.
2. Stress and conflict. The constant need to defend yourself and make excuses can lead to increased stress and conflict.
3. Attention on problems. "When you focus on your problems, you will have more problems. When you focus on solutions and possibilities, you will have more opportunities."
4. Decreased confidence. Pointing fingers and justifying your blame leads to confusion, discouragement and doubt.
4 Tips for Effective Reflection and Self-Assessment:
Regular Debriefing. Establish a routine that allows emotions to settle. Once calm, evaluate your successes and areas needing improvement. Analyze the processes that led to achievements and compare them with those that resulted in mistakes.
Document Successes. Writing engages more cognitive functions, activating various brain areas. Record your successes in a journal to embed them into your subconscious.
Track Performance. Monitor statistics relevant to your performance. This helps you prepare with intention and specificity.
Know Your WHY. Without clarity on your purpose, you may become reactive, stagnant, and overly reliant on performance for confidence. Knowing your why and valuing growth will make reflection and self-assessment habitual, enabling you to perform at your best.